Dr. Jeff McNairy, Psy.D., M.P.H. has been working in the health care field for 25 years. He has worked in a variety of medical environments and seen the struggle individuals have when actually trying to heal. The current Western system of heath care is deficient in healing the population. It is more concerned with managing symptoms and using external sources for “change.” Through Dr. McNairy’s intense experience with the most desperate patient populations (addition, acute mental health, and trauma), he has seen that the only real healing can come from within.
Watch StoryThe endless grind of the Western medical model struggles to actually heal people. Symptom management is not the answer to health. Finding the root cause of your unhappiness, health concern, and discontent, then resolving it is the only way to truly find peace. One plant medicine session conducted in a safe environment that is clinically appropriate can be as effective as 10 years of psychotherapy.
contact meRythmia has partnered with the world’s leaders of each one of our modalities. Guests create a customized experience with our breakthrough treatments based on their individual needs.